While some oral emergencies are not severe in the beginning, they can become much worse if they are neglected or proper treatment is delayed. Even dangerous oral emergencies can be fully improved with minimal recovery time if you act quickly and take the proper steps to address the situation. We are happy to answer some frequently asked questions about dental emergencies and how to treat them.
What are frequent oral emergencies?
Dental emergencies can be injuries that cause lost or cracked teeth or damages to a filling or crown, and these should be handled as quickly as possible. If a tooth is lost, we may be able to place it back in your mouth. Try placing the tooth back in the gap without affecting the nerve, or store it in a solution such as milk. You will need to see the dentist to restore the tooth. When a filling is lost, cover and protect the tooth with dental cement or chewing gum until you can visit the dentist for a replacement. An exposed tooth left by a lost dental crown can be covered with a soft ball of cotton dipped in clove oil.
Can a bitten lip or gums be considered an oral emergency?
Yes. While biting your lips or gums when chewing occurs often, it has the potential to be serious. We encourage you to clean the injured area and cover it with clean gauze to stop the bleeding. However, if bleeding persists, you may need to seek additional care such as stitches.
How can I prevent oral accidents?
Always take safety precautions in risky situations, including wearing a sports mouth guard to protect your face and jaw during physical activity. See the dentist about any harmful habits or foods that could damage your teeth.
For additional help in addressing dental emergencies in Irvine, California, please contact Irvine Dental Group at 949-551-8877 to speak with one of our skilled dentists. Drs. Don Niu, Alexander Yuen, Jason Wong, and Calvin Dang are here to help your smile thrive!